Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Not much new here. Jordan is doing well during the
day. He is enjoying pulling the ornaments off the
tree. Sleeping at night is variable. Some nights we
sleep and some we don't. We're hoping once the tumor
starts shrinking, he'll be more comfortable at night.
No more appointments till Friday as long as
jj-0l0jhj hh8mn;';pkiiklll'llk [lk=k,.k[.polk, k,
(Jordan's contribution to the blog)

Do you Yahoo!?
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this website with us. I'm thinking of you often, and praying for Jordan and for sanity for the rest of your kids! I know how tough it is on the others when one needs a lot of care and attention. God is so good, I'm so glad you have His mighty strength to rely on. I miss your daily bread, and hope things improve quickly.
Kari Potter (Shorecrest)

Anonymous said...

Dear Busby Family,
My Aunt Jan Davis shared your news with us on Thanksgiving Day. Since then we have prayed for you. We are praying for complete healing for Jordan. We also pray that you would have supernatural strength to take care of all 4 kids when your tanks are so low! Please let us know if you need anything.
Sarah, Eric, Alexandra, and Isaac Showell