Monday, July 30, 2007

The Countdown

Things are moving along. We are down to 9 more visits to Children's which includes 1 short chemo visit and 2 long ones as long as nothing goes wrong. Jordan has had ups and downs, but for the most part is doing really well. He is busy as usual. We are getting ready to go to the Side by Side family camp that UPC sponsers in a couple weeks. It is a camp for families with a child with cancer. They have swimming, horses, a zip line, fishing. All that kind of stuff. And, the kids get their own counselor each to hang out with. They are excited to have their own agendas not dependent on one another. It should be really fun. The countdown is on. In a week and a half it will be the End of the End. We are praying for good reports and a huge celebration party in mid September.

1 comment:

Carolyn and Kyle said...

SO glad to hear you're close to the end of treatments! Hang in there!

Carolyn (Sprague) Schafer in Spokane