Monday, August 27, 2007

extended stay

Hello again family and friends. We got news from Jordan's primary cancer doctor that new chemo drugs will likey begin as soon as tomorrow or wednesday (5 more days in the hospital for this round of drug). We are now our now officially in cancer "overtime". This next round of chemo drugs is in hopes of making the tumor smaller for an eventual surgery. The news is not good concerning having to be more aggressive about getting rid of the cancer, but we are hopeful for the new chemo drugs to be more effective and that the surgery will get all of the cancer. Thanks for remaining with us in prayer and know that we continue to trust Jesus as our ultimate and Great Phyiscian. love, team busby


Anonymous said...

My heart breaks to hear this! We were really anticipating good news. We are standing with you in this and willing to do anything in our power to help. We will of course be praying, but if there is ANYTHING else you need please let us know.


Anonymous said...

Prayed for Jordan tonight on my way to work. I get detailed updates from Liz so I've been praying so much for you guys. I can't fathom the scene at the's almost comical and yet I picture it almost like a dream because like you just doesn't make sense. Our hearts ache for "Team Busby" and Jeff and Carin too. If you need some new friendly faces we'll come visit in a heartbeat. Seriously. We'd love to help in anyway we can.

Praying for smooth waters ahead.

We love you guys!

Katy and Scott

Brent & Becky said...

We're now here on overtime like Brent said. We'd love to have visitors as now our long chemo days are 5 times longer.

Anonymous said...

I'm working on childcare to come see you and bring the skype equipment some morning. I am praying that the purpose of all of this cancer, lack of sleep, and pain would be fulfilled so it can be OVER! Love you! Kara

Anonymous said...

I have been praying so much these past several days for all of you as you have had such a long long wait to know what the next step is. We will continue to pray that these new drugs will be the final cure for little Jordan. Our love to all of you. When are you up for visitors? Becky, I would love to spend some time with you.


Anonymous said...

I am so worried about you all. I will keep you and Jordan in my prayers. Mom keeps me updated with news...I think about you often.


Brent & Becky said...

Michele, I would love to see you anytime. We'll be here till Sunday or maybe Monday.

Anonymous said...

What about your other kids? Do they have a routine going or would they like to come over? We could take them to Wed. church and spend the night?

Or Friday, Saturday?
Call me when it's convenient, 425-772-1858
Love, Ruth

Anonymous said...

Hi Team Busby - we have been following Jordan's progress, from behind the scenes, for the past year. We are just so upset to hear about his recent situation. We are also tracking cousin Ben's situation as well. UNBELIEVABLE!!!

We send you our love, support and prayers. We also want you to think about the saying: "it's the journey, not the destination." We just know that there will be many life and love "lessons" you will all experience along the way.

We wouldn't wish this on anyone but we also know that your family will come out of this stronger and more committed to one another, than ever before.

Take time to for your self, and be sure to love one another, that is also good medicine for Jordan.

We are sending love, light and energy your way.

Robin and Greg Popich (Andria's Mom and Dad_