That's abrreviated for BIG "Momentum". We are gaining strength and momentum for the final 6 months of chemo. In the last few days we've seen a new and improved Jordan. His heart and determination have been relentless. He is even more passionate about life and bringing the "spunk" to the party. A couple of nights ago itunes was playing a watoto children's choir song (cast your burden...and be lifted higher, higher). Without prompt or cue, all four of the children were singing along with the music while holding hands doing a circle dance together. The sheer joy and exhileration of being home together and knowing that Jordan was on the mend, back to working on his dance moves; it had inspired them to a special display of sibling unity. I happened to walk in on it and quickly snapped a picture of the moment as a reminder of how the LORD can turn bad to good and answer the many prayers spoken for healing. Present prayer concern is for the new "insurance" chemo round starting Monday.
"Cast your burden on the LORD and He shall sustain you" Psalm 55:22
What a beautiful photo! So glad things are going better and that he is getting stronger. Yes, prayers go with you especially on Monday as you begin this treatment.
Much love,
PTL!!! Those "chillins" are so adorable...!!Thank you for keeping us all updated with your blog. Our prayers will be lifted up for this next and prayerfully, last segiment. We love you all so much and pray that God will rain down His blessings of peace upon you in the next month.
In Christ,
The Derke's
What a great picture!!!! How blessed it is for our children to lead us out of our despair....who woulda' thunk that they are the ones who give us hope and joy!!!
So glad for you all....Jan and Homer
What a joyful picture! You all continue to be in our prayers as Jordan continues to heal. Great Thanks for the fact that Jordan came home for Christma!
Much love,
Sandy Bailey
Nice to see the wonderful pictures on Jordans continued recovery. Hope all is well with Brent. The Lord has been teaching me a lot about His place in this fragile human life, a constant reminder that we are in the world but not for the world. I remember you as a family with a passion for Kenya-please pray for that fragile nation.
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We are praying this week of chemo has gone uneventfully!
Andria and John
We lean so much from our children! Seeing all the kids together is a Thank You prayer for sure and please know that I continue to pray for your family daily.
love to all, Martha
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