Monday, June 2, 2008


Tomorrow is the last day of chemo for Jordan. The drug he gets takes only a few minutes to administer, but we will be there for a good part of the day for all the other necessities that accompany getting it. Many people have been wishing us well asking if we are excited. I really am not trying to be rude, I just can't talk about it or celebrate till we get good news on Thursday after all his scans. Please continue to pray for Jordan. My anxiety level is high, but Brent as always is calm.

Jordan is doing well. He is continuing to eat. It is a very unusual diet. I am trying to balance nutrition with just getting in lots of calories. Some favorites this week include spearmint altoids, chocolate chips, super spicy ethiopian food, chicken broth, turkey, smarties, milk, and McDonald's icecream cones. My goal is for him to get the tube out in a week. We'll keep you posted.


Kara said...

Praying that tomorrow is the LAST time you ever have to think about chemo. And praying for a celebration on the 5th! You are Brent are such a great team!

Love you guys,

Anonymous said...

We are praying for Jordan and your whole family. It has been more than a long road for you all. I know these next few days will be difficult as you wait but know that so many of us from all over the world are hoping and praying with you! (McDonalds ice cream cones are a favorite of ours here in Hong Kong too.)
the Olsens

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all day!!


The Breeder said...

Loads of prayers. LOADS!!

Anonymous said...

Becky and Brent: you are so right about Thursday being "the day." The point is not to be done with chemo, it is to be done with cancer. I am praying that Thursday will reveal what you are hoping for -- that Jordan is, indeed, "done with cancer." And THEN, the party can start!


Anonymous said...

I've visited your site every day for the last week knowing that the end was near. We're still praying like crazy. The 5th is especially important as it's also the day that my mom will be getting the final results of her scans too. I understand the anxiety side of things. I'm trying to remain calm myself!

We'll especially pray for peace and great results!!! Also, for the NG tube to be a thing of the past! Go Jordan!!!

We love you guys.

The K's -- Scott, Katy, Tobey and Tyler

Anonymous said...

Prayers are with you. I can imagine the anxiety level would be high...would be for me if I was in your situation! We love you guys.
The Spengler family

moe said...

Praying along side you and lifting you all up to the King.


moe said...

We got an email from Cathy Taylor - Oh my goodness what a blessed day! Praise the Lord Jordon is cancer free. We are so happy for you.


Cathy Taylor said...

I cannot contain my joy and stop smiling at the great news of Jordan's clear scans! All I could do was hug and cry with my dad! We love you all so much!

Anonymous said...

What a joyful day, Becky and Brent -- and such a long-awaited one! We're all so happy here at the Coon house -- I just keep smiling and getting all teary. My boys both jumped up and down and hooted and hollered when I shared the beautiful news.

lots of love,
Liz and family