I always said through this whole terrible cancer journey that this kind of experience brings out the best and the worst in people. Sometimes it is the worst, but usually it has been the best as we have tried to hold on to hope, give grace, and love one another. It is has been true in our children as well.
Yesterday, we attended the memorial service for cousin Ben. It was beautiful. As I talked to my cousin Kristen, I said I sometimes hesitated from sharing stories about Ben, because most of the time we spent with him was at the hospital when things were the most difficult for everyone. But we both agreed that many of those times brought out the best in him too. I remember going to visit, and seeing all his cars lined up perfectly. He asked Jordan if he wanted to play, and said nothing as Jordan messed up his perfect display, proceeding to dump the precious cars on the floor. I remember several times, him coming into our room and saying right away with no prompt from his parents and despite how terrible he was feeling..."how's Jordan doing, Becky?" Even at 2, he was thinking of the feelings of others.
The Bible says, "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." Romans 8:18. That is hard to believe considering the things we have experienced the last couple years. But, as we say good bye to sweet little Ben, we can't wait to see him again in glory.
Been thinking of your family a lot and SO thankful for all the faith you have and the hope of Jesus and heaven.
Received the beautiful picture of your family in the mail today - thank you for that as a wonderful reminder of healing and happiness! We sent ours out digitally this year; I can't find the notecard with your email on it, but if you email me, I'll send it! Carolyn (Sprague) Schafer schafkc@aol.com
What a precious tribute to Ben. We've been holding you all close and praying the past 2 weeks, knowing what a sad time this has been for the entire family. Know how much your devotion is appreciated by the Townes.
Hope all's well in the "new" home and that you're all settled.
God Bless All of You in 2009. We Love You, Julie and Ken
That is a beautiful tribute to Ben.
Please know that we are praying for Jordan and family everyday.
May you have courage, strength, and a sense of peace knowing that God is always with you.
With Love,
Dave Parisi
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