Monday, July 30, 2007

The Countdown

Things are moving along. We are down to 9 more visits to Children's which includes 1 short chemo visit and 2 long ones as long as nothing goes wrong. Jordan has had ups and downs, but for the most part is doing really well. He is busy as usual. We are getting ready to go to the Side by Side family camp that UPC sponsers in a couple weeks. It is a camp for families with a child with cancer. They have swimming, horses, a zip line, fishing. All that kind of stuff. And, the kids get their own counselor each to hang out with. They are excited to have their own agendas not dependent on one another. It should be really fun. The countdown is on. In a week and a half it will be the End of the End. We are praying for good reports and a huge celebration party in mid September.

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Middle of the End

I almost didn't realize it in the chaos of the 4 days at the hospital, but we are to the middle of the end. Jordan is feeling much better, and his counts are back up again. He has 3 more long chemo appointments and 2 short ones and then he is done with treatment. The last chemo appointment is August 31 then scans, and then the port comes out as long as everthing looks good.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Probably Home

They have tested him for all kinds of bacterial infections and have determined that he probably has a virus. They are going to take him off the antibiotics and probably send us home. He is feeling a lot better, but his blood counts are way down for him.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

3 times to Children's

I came in yesterday for Jordan's clinic appointment. He was feeling kind of lethargic when we were there. Later at home he came down with a fever, so I took him back in the afternoon. They checked him out, gave him some preventative antibiotics and thought he was ok to come home. When we got home, he started throwing up and had diarrhea, so we came back AGAIN, had to go to the ER and then were admitted around 1 am. So now we are here again. They think he's got a virus and hopefully will bounce back soon. I absolutely hate to write this in front of the Hawaii pictures, but wanted to update everyone.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Well we are back from Hawaii. The trip could not have been more perfect. Jordan was healthy and had a great time playing in the sand, the ocean and the pool. The weather was great. Julie and Sean and the wedding were so beautiful. We loved being a part of it. Everything was so fun. Tate and Luke had a blast on their boogie boards. Sitara was the ultimate flower girl looking forever in the mirror and twirling for the photographers. We so much enjoyed getting away. We are back at the hospital today for Jordan's long chemo appointment. The contrast could not be more dramatic. But, we are thankful to have been able to go and he is doing well.