Friday, November 30, 2007

cancer under review

Our "game winning touchdown" has been called back and the official ruling has reversed the decision. That is the best way to personally describe it. Unfortunately the lab results have refuted all the hope, optimism, and belief of the the doctors initial assessment of the surgery. Preliminarily it was believed that all the cancer was removed. However, the margins were too close from the lab results to risk not doing more surgery. He will also need more chemotherapy than initially planned. We continue to covet your prayers and support. love, brent and becky
"Be strong in the LORD and in His mighty power" Ephesians 6:10

A Visit from Jamie

Jordan's favorite thing at home is going to visit the neighbor dog, so he was delighted today with a visit from Jamie the therapy dog. He is slowly on the mend.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Day 2 of Recovery

Jordan is doing pretty good today. After a rough night and morning they are starting to figure out what is going to work for him with medications. He has 7 tubes at the present time. We are anxious for him to perk up and start getting rid of some of that kind of thing. He had a few sips of juice today and is talking a little more. Thanks for your continued prayers.

A happy piece of news....Carin had her baby last night, Ryan Robert Towne. Please continue to pray for Ben and their family as they continue with Ben's treatment and adapt to having a new family member.

2 pieces of good news this week, we hardly know what to do with ourselves!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Jordan has done well today. After 10 hours of surgery though he is pretty wiped out. We expect him to perk up a little more tomorrow, but for now he is mostly sleeping. Thank you all for your encouragement. It helps keep us going.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

More Good News

The tumor is out and the reconstruction went really well. Jordan is in recovery and awake and we get to see him when he comes back to his room. He will be in ICU tonight just because he was under anesthesia for so long. We are thankful to God and all of you. Thank you for your love and support.

cancer gone!

we got good news from the doctor. He said it was the best surgery, of this nature, that he had ever done! He wasn't trying to flatter himself, but was saying that for all the information going in, combined with the surgery prognosis, Jordan's tumor came out better than any other previous surgery he had ever done. Thats a big answer to many prayers. A significant aspect of the surgery was entirely dismissed because things went so well. Specific prayer now will be for surgery healing, and for conclusive lab reports to reveal that the removed cancer mass has no live cancer cells.


The surgical procedures have started. We met briefly with the two leading surgeons and shared a prayer with them concerning Jordan's protection and the blessing of their work. The start of this day has been founded in Christ and, by the end of the day, we believe we will give glory to Him in knowing the cancer will be gone and gone for good!

Monday, November 26, 2007


We're at Children's in preparation for surgery tomorrow. Jordan is doing fine. We have met with all the surgeons and are ready to get this tumor (or pick your choice word, my sister has some nice ones) out. Please pray for the surgery to be as least invasive as possible, skill for the surgeons, and Jordan's well being. We will be here likely 7-10 days.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Side note

Brent and I realize that our last blog was kind of vague. The truth of the matter is there are issues with the surgery that won't be decided until they are actually doing it. Secondly, there will be longterm quality of life issues for Jordan and they are things we know as an older kid and adult he would want to be private. Therefore, we are not broadcasting a lot of details, but would very much appreciate your prayers for the surgery.

scan update

Thanks for all the faithful prayer support. We endured a good chunk of the day waiting for news about Jordan scans. Mid-afternoon we spoke to our oncology nurse practioner and then the surgeons. The news was sort of mixed in that the tumor had not changed in size, but also that there was specifically hopeful information concerning the possibilities of the surgery. We had hoped there would be some definitive reduction in tumor size...that was not the case. This potentially means a more difficult procedure to be performed. We will continue to pray for skillful hands during the surgery (Tuesady 7:30am-4pm) and that the cancer can be completely taken out. The doctors were unable to determine whether the cancer mass is live or dead. After the surgery, tumor cells will carefully be looked at to discover the answer to this uncertainty.
"With God all things are possible" Matthew 19:26.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Our pastor shared a great message today and highlighted the verse: "Without faith it is impossible to please God"
(Hebrews 11:6a). This verse is written in the context of Noah building the ark, and testifies to his faithfulness to save God's 'planet earth project' from the coming flood. As we attempt to find favor or "please" God in the midst of Jordan's cancer, the thought of faith & prayer has been a constant. We are so helpless and vulnerable right now concerning Jordan's health and future (perhaps the most we may ever be during our lifetime?); so many uncertainties concerning his medicine(s), pain, medical opinion, tumor size, etc. Though I am not always as faithful to pray as I ought to be, I know that prayer has been a tremendous and sustaining force to the well-being of our family and Jordan. We are grateful to all of those who continue to place the Busby's on their prayer list. And I guess that is why I am posting this blog again solicit more prayers from the body. Honestly, I must admit that I feel a little uncomfortable, continuously asking for prayer support; especially when it has been awhile since receiving favorable news for Jordan. Regardless of my feelings though, I believe I need to be faithful in requesting prayer again from the church body. We are scheduled for scans this coming Wednesday. Please join in prayer and/or fasting if God so prompts your heart. If you wish, all are welcome to attend a special time of prayer after Wednesday night service at our church- 8:30ish (Calvary Fellowship/Mountlake Terrace). "God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6b).

Friday, November 16, 2007

Brag Session

When I think the anxiety will overtake me, I either go shopping or brag about my kids. So here is my next bragging session. I know it's usually in poor taste to brag about your own kids, but I'm going to anyways. There have been so many sacrifices this past year and I sometimes think Tate, Luke and Sitara might get resentful of all the attention Jordan gets from us. But, instead they have developed tender hearts and have joined in doing their best to make things better for him and for me.

The other day when Jordan was throwing up, Tate without being asked went and got a towel and cleaned it up. When I asked him to set up a DVD for him, not only was it all set up, there was a soft blanket and a stuffed Elmo for him to sit with. Today, I asked Tate to entertain him for a few minutes while I took a shower. When I got out of the shower, Jordan was happy, blowing bubbles, and jamming out with Tate to "Rock Songs from the 80's".

Luke and Jordan were finishing the last 2 popsicles in the box. Jordan changed his mind about his selection and was demanding Luke's popsicle. I didn't say anything, and Luke said, "he can have it." When I told him how nice it was for him to give it up he said that of course he would. He didn't have to go through all the hard things Jordan did and he should have it.

Sitara picked out a ukelele in Hawaii that she really likes. Jordan has a new fascination with guitars and frequently goes into her room saying,"tar" "tar." He steals the guitar and is certainly not careful as he bangs it down the hall. Sitara always lets him do it without complaining.

They are very good to him and we are so proud of them.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


We have some dates. November 21st we have scans and then meet with the surgeons. The surgery is scheduled for November 27th. I am so anxious about it, this is all I can write.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


We're home. We left Children's yesterday evening. Jordan is doing pretty well. I have to do iv antibiotics with him again. I hate it. All the stupid pumps got a lot of cursing today, but we are glad we are out.

Monday, November 5, 2007

more drama

Jordan picked up an additional blood infection as we continue to pass the chemo time away here at Children's. Presently, he has a mild fever and will have to clear the blood infection to go home. Thought we would be leaving in the morning, but will be here a day or two more-probably Wednesday or Thursday. Many have shared encouraging words, and when we feel like we don't have any more patience and endurance for this cancer "crap", it has been those visits, verses, emails, blogs, calls and cards that continue to pull us through. Seriously, we are sponging off this stuff simply in survival mode. A buddy called yesterday out of the blue requesting to come do my yard work. Whether or not the yard work gets done is not the point. This gets me fired up to know someone unrelated to my petty yard care issues wants to come share the burden! Another buddy came down to say hi and chatter about some of my earthly passions concerning football season, because he knew I needed some healthy and beneficial distraction from the brutal realities of our battle. Cousin Carin called just to check in, Jenny made dinner for the kids, Grandparents and others have been eyeballing the kids as well as making sure we are well fed, Dan gave me a sandwhich, Linda brought down a giftcard, Michelle offered a slice of her husband's birthday cheesecake, Carolyn blogged a power verse, Glen brought over a toy for Jordan, Kathleen brought Jordan a pair of Elmo slippers, Andrew came by to hang out with Jordan and some other cancer kids, Joe and Val hosted an overniter, Lisa dropped off a cafeteria debit card, and the list goes on... That is just a fraction of the blessings in the last day or two; not to mention all the prayers and considerate things I'll never see. It has nothing to do with the size or kind of charitable act, and everything to do with Jesus saying: "this is how I am taking care of you during your earthly struggle, and I am with you in the midst of the fiery furnace". I realize I'm sort of piggybacking off of Becky's comments last week about the Christian body taking care of the wounded, but it is well worth the affirmation. all our love and gratefulness, the busbys

"the joy of the LORD is your strength" Nehemiah 8:10

Friday, November 2, 2007


We checked in today for chemo. We'll be here till Tuesday. Jordan is doing fine. All our "cancer friends" are here too this weekend including cousin Ben.