Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Homeward Bound

Although last nite and this morning have produced some
chemo side affects (mostly vomiting), we are just a
day from leaving Children's. I'm heading out at 3:oo
this afernoon to beat speculated weather conditions
and stay with our little ones. Becky will come home
tomorrow sometime. These are plans based on optimal
reports from Jordan's doctors and nurses. What an
adjustment and change of pace for us these upcoming
months will bring. We are so completely amazed how
so many people have contributed so much love and
consideration to/of our family. He has given us an
abundance of family and friends. In the midst of this
deep valley, God has abundantly provided us with
family and friendship (John 10:10). Rick, a gentleman
whose 12 year daughter has leukemia, said he would
like it that we put her on our prayer list, though
admittedly he was not a "spiritual" person. Please
pray for him as well. Becky and I shared a tear
together knowing that he is going through this cancer
situation alone; being divorced, from Alaska, no
visitors, and without Jesus. Love, brent and becky

Cheap talk?
Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.


Anonymous said...

Dear Becky,Brent,Jordan and rest of the family,

We are praying for you all! (Psalm 121)

Becky, Bob & Joshua Roehl

Alicia said...

Praying for you guys and Rick too.

by God's grace,

Anonymous said...


We love you and are praying for you continually.

Uncle Stan, Aunt Kristina
Cousins Josh, Katie, Rachelle, Alicia, Amber, Abigail, Jacob and Samuel

Brent & Becky - we are praying for you too! Please let us know if we can do anything. Brent, Stan will call soon! Lots of love and prayers!