Tuesday, March 27, 2007

6 more days

Sorry I haven't posted anything in awhile. This whole radiation thing has kind of done me in. I don't think I have ever wanted anything to be over more than this. We have six more days left and I can hardly wait. All the boys are counting it down. Everyone knows each other's last day. Jackson is done on Friday and then gets to go home. Kyle is done on Tuesday and Diego and Jordan on Wednesday. There will be some major celebrating. Jordan is doing great. He is a real trooper with it all. He now holds out his leg for his blood pressure and his finger to check his oxygen. It is so sweet. There have been lots of problems with his line and some other procedural stuff though. It has been a real pain in the neck and has kept us very late the last few days. He continues to have lots of energy. Nobody can believe it because the radiation, anesthesia, medicines and chemo are all supposed to make you tired on their own. He's getting all of it and has now quit taking naps! I am so happy he has lots of energy, but all that stuff is making me tired, it would be nice if he occasionally got a little sleepy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for sharing your hearts with us on this blog. Words are insufficient, so we don't often respond, but we want you to know that you are in our hearts and our prayers. We miss you in the little day to day times we used to take for granted. But we are confident that you are being used in the "day to day" of those families you've mentioned, and others in the future as well.
Jesus shines thru you - may He continue to strengthen and carry you.
Love, Ruth and Craig and family