Sunday, April 22, 2007

Back at Children's

Jordan came down with a fever early Saturday morning. I took him to the ER and they did a blood draw, checked him out and sent him home. Unfortunately, the blood cultured came back positive for a bacterial infection so they called us last night at 10:00 and told us we had to come back and get admitted. It was a long night. We went to the ER again and then finally to a room by 1:30 am. So the rule is that we have to have 3 days of negative cultures until we can go home which means we're here at least until Wednesday. He is supposed to be admitted Friday for chemo so they might just keep us till then or try and do the chemo early so we don't have to be here that long or come back on Friday. Jordan is doing pretty well. He seems a little out of sorts, but is feeling ok. This is like the last time he had a blood infection. They are not worried, but it is very important that he gets the antibiotics so it does not become serious.

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