Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Day 4

More bad news and good news. Last night was a really bad night. Jordan had lots of cramping pain keeping him up a lot. It gives me flashbacks to when he was initially diagnosed and even though none of the doctors think this pain has to do with the tumor, it is impossible to be rational and not be anxious. They are going to try another medication. Apparently, it is common for kids undergoing treatment to have abdominal cramping, but hard to always understand where it is coming from.

The good news is his counts went back up again, so they are going to have us stay and do his chemotherapy tomorrow. and Assuming everything is ok, they'll send us home after that. I'll have to give him the IV antibiotics 4 times a day at home. That is going to be something. It is a two person job, because he is so wiggly and grabby and you have to keep everything sterile.

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