Monday, August 27, 2007

Waiting, waiting, waiting

Thank you so many for calling, emailing and asking about us. This has been such an emotional week, it has been hard for me to talk to people or even update this blog. I have hesitated to write this because there have been so many dashed hopes this past week, but there is still a chance that treatment could be at the end. Our doctor has been out of town for the last week and he is the expert on Jordan's kind of tumor. Apparently the results from the biopsy and scans are not as clearcut as we were told initially and he really has the final say. He is coming to see us today and I know he is concerned, but we are hoping once he reviews all the info there is the possibility of some different news. Please pray, it is so hard to be hopeful and then disappointed over and over. We have been at the hospital for the past couple days. Jordan has had unresolved pain from the biopsy and they are trying to get it figured out. We may stay another day.

Life seems at a standstill for us with the constant state of waiting, but then I realize that life is still moving on. School still starts in a couple weeks... birthday parties, soccer practice, Brent's work. It all seems to be coming at us fast.

My cousing Carin is here with Ben who is doing much better, but has been having intermittent fevers, so they are not able to go home yet. We hang out with our family, eating take-out, worrying about our sweet boys, chasing them down the hall in the cars and wishing we were back in Hawaii. Someone asked Carin where Ben was yesterday and she said, "oh he's down at Jordan's condo hanging out." Life just doesn't make sense these days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's all just too much to comprehend! I just can't believe that you and Carin are there together!!!! But, what amazing support to have ALL the family there.

We are pleading with the Lord for this to be the end of Jordan's treatment. Our kids are getting a real lesson in prayer this year as we all pray for you daily. Praying for strength for you both as you deal with work, and being parents to 3 other busy kids!!

We love you!