Friday, May 16, 2008

This Week

This has been a tough week. The stress and sadness of all that is going on in the lives of those families around us has been weighing heavily on me. It is impossible to not become involved in the lives of the other families whose kids have cancer. Early on, I had guarded my heart against getting to know them, but sweet children draw you in and you can't help but suffer with them. As we anxiously head towards the end of treatment, I am exhausted with this evil disease. I am far past ready to be done with it, for Jordan and for everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. I daily pray and follow the blogs of 4 little ones battling this nasty disease. It is so hard to watch you all going through this - some days my heart is so heavy. Yet, I am thankful that through prayer, I can walk beside you in this.

We love you!
