Monday, September 15, 2008


Jordan is out of surgery and doing fine. It went a little longer than expected, but the surgeon was hopeful that he repaired the damage from the scarring. It is likely we will be here a few more days.


Globel said...

We are thinking of you and praying for Jordan and the family.
the Wilkies

Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us updated! We will keep praying for recovery.

Love, Kim and Tyler

Anonymous said...

We are so thankful to hear of Jordan's surgery success and perfect scans. We go Friday for our scans too... isn't that "fear fight" something... but you're right, you have to fight it so you can enjoy each and every moment, they are gifts after all...

Paula Yost

Anonymous said...

Praying for Jordan's speedy recovery and a speedy return for you and your family to "normal" family life.
