Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Some Advertisements

It is very worthy of being said that at a time like this when faith and suffering are mysteries to me, the thing that totally makes sense is the Body of Christ. I have to put forth some advertisements...our church, Calvary Fellowship has been amazing. We have had meals provided for us for over a year, cards, financial support, gift baskets, phone calls, prayer meetings, work done on our house, the list goes on. They have been the hands that carry us, the eyes that see the way for us, the ears that hear God's voice when we cannot, and the heart that loves and suffers with us. We are forever grateful.

As many of you know my cousin's son is also battling cancer. Their church, University Presbyterian, has also been there for us. It is a sweet thing to hear our pastor pray for Ben and Jordan and then to hear about their pastor praying for them together also. They provided the incredible camp we attended last summer, have visited us, sent us financial support and loved us even though it is not the church we attend. What a picture of how things should be in the Body.

Another sweet gift we have received has been from the mayor of Edmonds. What a surprise to hear that letters were sent to many businesses in the city telling our story and we are almost daily receiving gifts of encouragement from many of those businesses. Here is a list of those businesses as some have asked...Anthony's, Petosa's, the Pancake Haus, Dairy Queen, Top Foods, Portofino's, the Wooden Spoon, and Baskin and Robbins. I'll include others that come in. I've never experienced this kind of community support from so many we don't even know. What a blessing.

Shorecrest High School, where Brent teaches has graciously allowed Brent to be home these last several months by so many giving him their sick days. It would have been impossible for me to do this by myself. They have been completely supportive of our whole family through this ordeal.

Our family and friends, you know who you are, and many others that we don't know have given to us so generously. We hope you know that your support is what helps us get through each day.


Anonymous said...

We hope you know how much your blog has meant to so many. We're aware of many who read each blog who have not been touched by our Lord's love and caring. As you witnessed to them through your thoughtful words of this blog, it will be life-changing. Jesus is so lucky to have you dear ones as His family. We're so proud of your commitment and dedication. We miss and love you, Julie and Ken

Anonymous said...

You have certainly seen all of those people being the hands and feet of Christ administering his love to you through their gifts.
We will keep praying for all of you.
Maxine and Duane

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you guys today and praying for Jordan.
