Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Good News

We got good news today. The ultrasound showed that
the tumor was not blocking the kidney hardly at all
and it is smaller. The urologist said that the
ultrasound is not a very specific test so it is hard
to be sure just how much smaller the tumor has gotten,
but we are encouraged that it is responding to the
chemotherapy. He also got the catheter out at least
for a couple of days and he is happy to be free flying
again. They will do an ultrasound on Friday before
his chemotherapy to make sure everything is ok and
then decide what to do from there.

Any healthy friends that want to stop by the hospital
on Friday, we would love to see you. It is a long day
for Jordan to be hooked up, it's nice for all of us to
have some distractions.

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart!I
have overcome the world. John 16:33

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brent and Becky,
Bill, me and the kids are praying. We feel so privilaged that you have invited us all to share the good and the hard stuff too. It is truly a picture of the body of Christ feeling as one. Even though we are far away, we can be joined as one family in Jesus. Know that our prayers will keep coming. Miss you all!