Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday evening

Jordan just got back to his room after more surgical procedures to remove infected fluid buildup in his body. Two new tubes were added and one was removed. I don't really know much about this guantlet of medical procedures Jordan has endured, but I do know Jesus. Honestly, turning over our little guy to the expertise and wisdom of different doctors has been a difficult thing for me; especially when I don't know them or their various qualifications. Knowing that the Great Physician is ever present and always in the operating room has been a resolving and reassuring thought. We are praisworthy that the likely source of fevers has been discovered and now taken care of (we will have more certainty in the next day or so as fevers decrease). Additionally, we are grateful for so many hospital workers lovingly and diligently caring for Jordan. Please continue to pray for God's healing power to rest over Jordan this evening and for evermore.


Anonymous said...

11:00 Saturday night and always, always thinking of all of you. we love you all, you are always in our hearts. We know all will be well soon. Love, The gibsons

Anonymous said...

Dear Becky and Brent,

I am sorry we have not called you this week. Please know that we are praying for you everyday. We are praying that the Lord will bless you with strength and courage, and that Jordan's pain and suffering will be taken away quickly, and that Jordan will be healed completely, and that the Lord will continue to carry you thru your faith and all the people he surrounds you with.

The Parisi's

Unknown said...

Becky and Brent...Your strength iln the Lord has certainly carried you farther than we can imagine! We Bless and Pray for Jordan's healing daily
Love, Jan and Homer