Monday, December 3, 2007

day 6 of recovery

Jordan is continually improving each day and we should be down to 6 tubes by the end of the day; hoping to leave here with only 2-3 tubes to work with. We anticipate going home in the next few days. His favorite hospital event is to be pulled through the halls of the third floor in his wagon and visit a couple of the Christmas music got me fired up to watch him delight in such a simple activity; especially in light of his significant medical struggles. Speaking of Christmas, I was able to join the kids on the homefront and we put the tree up and strung some lights. It was a big thrill for the kids and it wouldn't have happened if not for the blessing of friends dropping off a beautiful noble fir... what an exciting surprise! Becky continues to be a great inspiration to me as she endures the roller coaster of uncertainty and information that comes our way. Pray that we will navigate this holiday time with patience and understanding for one another. Again, we appreciate all that so many others have done in consideration of the busby family. You are loved! brent & becky

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