Thursday, September 13, 2007

Not Feeling Good

Jordan isn't feeling so great today, and I'm hoping it is just because of all that's been going on and he just needs to rest. I'm not sure that last entry made sense. He has a suprpubic catheter which goes from his bladder out through the skin. When he doesn't need it anymore they'll take it out. Hopefully that is soon. We have a roommate who likes to whine and wail. Nothing like whining and wailing when you're having a rough day.


Anonymous said...


Just checking in with you. You guys are always in my thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Brent and Becky...
the Stephens clan in Colorado are lifting your family up in prayer. Pray for strength, joy, tummies that feel good, that our Loving God with hold you all in His embrace! Love you guys...
ps I have to laugh at the picture of Jordan sitting on Nermel, how old is that cat?
jackie and bill